Episode 3: “Achievement Unlocked”

achievement unlocked

An all star panel of Eric, Kyle, Matt, and Lucas nerd it up with a discussion about the Xbox One and what to look for at E3 this year.  Then Matt gives the lowdown on what it’s like to get married, find true love, and pee on your fiance.

Congratulations Matt and Ashley!

Episode 2: “Whoop De Doo”


Whoop De Doo

Your hosts.

Eric took a trip to Seattle and tries to bore you with a history lesson, but luckily it involves prostitutes! Next up Andy and Eric contemplate gun control and why the US should be more like Australia.  It’s all finished off by an introduction to a Danish show that shamelessly objectifies naked women on national TV.  Cheers!

Episode 1: “Hippitus Hoppitus”

Hipitus Hopitus

This is the pilot episode of the exciting new podcast Alternating Current! Due to extreme laziness our debut is slightly out of date, but the religious fun facts we discuss haven’t gone stale like that unopened package of Peeps you should probably just throw away…  We also take on gay marriage, while our special guest Lucas takes us shopping to show us his hate for humanity.  Weighty topics all.